
Showing posts from February, 2011

of the future

What do you want to be when you grow up? No, walaupun serupa, tapi blog post kali ini beda dari postingan sebelumnya... Kalo postingan sebelumnya adalah personal, maka ini adalah... lebih personal lagi (if possible). Ketika mebayangkan tentang masa depan, future, yang ada di otak saya adalah... keluarga. Saya mau jadi istri, lalu jadi mama. Is that even too much to ask? The following will be in english, I'm having hard time expressing myself in Bahasa, seriously! >_< I'm a hopelessly romantic girl. Some other stronger girls maybe will laugh at me, at my need to have someone to lean on. But really, what I want is a wedding, a day marking someone agreed to be with me, bearing all the consequences. Someone I can run to, someone I spend my rest of my life with, someone I can share everything with, someone to build the future with. There, I've said it. So my biggest fear is for those dreams to not happen. What if I never get a chance to marry anyone? What if I can...